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D M / D Major
D m / D minor![D Major and D minor]()
D m / D minor
![D Major and D minor](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/D-D-minor.gif)
D 7 / D seventh
D m 7 / D minor 7 >![D seventh and D minor seventh]()
D m 7 / D minor 7 >
![D seventh and D minor seventh](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/D7-D-minor7.gif)
D M 7 / D Major 7
D sus 4![D Major 7 and D sus4]()
D sus 4
![D Major 7 and D sus4](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/D7-Major-D-sus4.gif)
D 9 (ninth)
D 6 (sixth)![D 9 ou D ninth and D 6 ou D sixth]()
D 6 (sixth)
![D 9 ou D ninth and D 6 ou D sixth](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/D9-D6.gif)
D m 6 / D minor 6
D 5 (fifth)>![D minor 6 and D 5]()
D 5 (fifth)>
![D minor 6 and D 5](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/D-minor6-D5.gif)
E b M / E flat Major
E b m / E flat minor![E flat Major and E flat minor]()
E b m / E flat minor
![E flat Major and E flat minor](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/E-flat-E-flat-minor.gif)
E b 7 / E flat seventh
E b m 7 / E flat minor 7![E flat seventh and E flat minor seventh]()
E b m 7 / E flat minor 7
![E flat seventh and E flat minor seventh](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/E-flat7-E-flat-minor7.gif)
E b M 7 / E flat Major 7
E b sus 4 / E flat sus 4![E flat Major 7 and E flat sus 4]()
E b sus 4 / E flat sus 4
![E flat Major 7 and E flat sus 4](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/E-flat7-Major-E-flat-sus4.gif)
E b 9 / E flat 9 (ninth)
E b 6 / E flat 6 (sixth)>![D sharp 9 ou D sharp ninth and D 6 ou D sixth]()
E b 6 / E flat 6 (sixth)>
![D sharp 9 ou D sharp ninth and D 6 ou D sixth](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/E-flat9-E-flat6.gif)
E b m 6 / E flat minor 6
E b 5 / E flat 5 (fifth)>![D sharp minor 6 and D sharp 5]()
E b 5 / E flat 5 (fifth)>
![D sharp minor 6 and D sharp 5](https://guitar.mg-records.com/chords/E-flat5-E-flat-minor6.gif)